Kristen L. Graney

Senior Video Professional

Greenburgh School District TV Studio
Golf and Grounds

I’m a natural born organizer.

The process is similar no matter the task. Pull everything out of an overcrowded, chaotic space so you can clear the canvas while getting a good look at what you’re working with. It’s as overwhelming as sifting through six hours of raw, unlabelled footage. Create piles or bins. Label everything. Make notes. This is trash, but don’t toss it yet. You may find that you need it after all. What’s necessary? You only have a 6 x 3 space or 2 minutes to tell your story; it’s the same puzzle. What do you need? Why do you need it? Who is this for? Where should it go? You put pieces together, move some around, get rid of this, and put that back in. Start with a vision, but when you get stuck, change your mind. The clock is ticking.

I’ve worked in film and video production in various capacities across industries. I’ve busted my head on Murphy’s Law. I’m still standing, but I carry a first aid kit. Organization, communication, flexibility, and expectations based on real-world experience keep me from bleeding out. Support, respect, laughter, and space to breathe propel me forward.